Your credit history plays a major role in getting approved for a car loan. Unfortunately, buying a car with bad credit is tough, even if you have the income and a stable job history. A history of late payments, high debt, bankruptcy, or repossession is a sign to the lender that you’e at risk […]
toronto mortgage
Mortgage Tips – Do You Lose Home Equity During Refinancing?
The real estate business can go from simple to complex for one homeowner in just a matter of years. It all starts with a decision to buy a home, then it goes to the mortgage process, and it ultimately lands either in owning the home, or in refinancing. If you are one of the […]
Canadian Finance Minister tightens mortgage rules on homes over $500K
The federal government is boosting the minimum down payment for higher-priced homes in Canada effective in the new year 2016. Homebuyers are currently required to put down a minimum of five per cent to qualify for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation insurance — protection that lenders insist on when providing a mortgage worth more than 80 per cent […]
Don’t Ruin Your Chance to Buy a Home with Holiday Spending
If a new home purchase is in your future, or you’re currently under contract to purchase a new home soon, please read this! ‘Tis the season to spend, spend, spend. It’s hard sometimes not to get overwhelmed with the Holiday gift giving spirit. Shoppers around the country say they are planning to spend an […]
9 Things to Consider When Buying A Home with Your Partner
Do you and your partner planning to live in together and is on the search for that love nest? While this may seem like a good take to level up your relationship, try to get a halt first and think about these nine things by the infographic shared by and from Elle Decor. […]